Coach's Guide to Booster Funds FAQ's
Coach’s Guide to Booster Funds FAQ’s:
Q: What do I have in my account?
A: Check the last meeting's financials posted on this site. Or call, text or e-mail the Treasurer to find out the balance.
Q: How do I use the funds in my account?
A: Submit a check request to the Treasurer, please include receipts and/or invoices.
Q: Where do I find a check request?
A: Click Here or call, text or e-mail the Treasurer to get a copy.
Q: What may I use my funds for?
A: You may use your booster funds for anything related to your sport and/or sport activities, including: Tournament Fees; Uniforms; Referees; Awards; T-Shirts; etc. If you are unsure, please contact any Board Member or contact the Athletic Director.
Q: What if I pay for something out of my own pocket?
A: If you pay for something related to your sport out of your own pocket, submit the check request payable to yourself, and include all related documents (invoices, receipts, etc.)
Q: How do I receive my concessions funds?
A: Boosters keeps a record of concessions participation and will add those funds into your account after your sport has worked the concessions stand.
Q: How does Boosters determine each sports fund?
A: The Board and Members have determined a set amount for each level of each sport. Boosters allots each level of sport $500 at the beginning the fiscal year (July – June). For example: Girls’ Basketball has THREE (3) Levels. Therefore, Girls’ Basketball receives $1,500 at the beginning of the fiscal year. There are a few exceptions: Football, Cross Country, Wrestling, Swim and Track & Field. Being that these sports have many more athletes in their sport, we have raised the funds for those sports. EACH SPORT MUST HAVE FIREWORKS VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION TO RECEIVE THEIR FUNDS.
Q: Do my funds Roll-Over from previous year or years?
A: Yes, with exception of concessions funds. All concessions funds must be used within that same fiscal year. All other budgeted funds will rollover up to 2 years.
Q: May I ask for additional funds? And if so, how would I do that?
A: Yes. You may ask for additional funds at any time. Please inform a Board Member, prior to a regular meeting, that you would like to be added to the agenda. Once you are added to the agenda, you (or a representative) will attend the meeting. You may elect anyone, on behalf of your sport, to present your request to booster members. At the meeting present the amount you are requesting and reason for request. Supporting documents for requesting additional funds should include three (3) quotes. If your request is $500 or under, the members may vote THAT EVENING. If your request is over $500, the members will vote to add the request to the following meeting to be discussed. At the following meeting, members will DISCUSS the request. The following month, the request will be put to VOTE. It is a THREE (3) month process. Please keep this in mind when requesting additional funds.
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